Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Final Exhibit

Last Friday Sonny and I headed with proud parents to the "Architecture Graduates Final Exhibit" at Trolley Square.
Basically, the students display the project(s) they have been working on and neglecting their families for throughout the last semester and the neglected families get to come and view what was being created all those 2am late nights.
The University also serves lots of fancy shmancy horsd'oeuvres and free alcohol to try to make up for all the lost family time.
cha. shwhatever.
Them people will never be able to win me over with strong drink. Although, the stuffed mushrooms were divine! I kept asking Sonny to show me some of the instructors I have grown to despise over the years, so I could give them the evil eye. I tried, but I don't think I'm any good at the look. I did softly boo one when their name was called who told Sonny He shouldn't have time to spend with his family while he was in the program. crazy lady.
Anyhoo...We sure did enjoy the night. Sonny loved showing off his hard work and explaining the Art Center he created for Las Vegas Nevada.
He had to develop concept models and lots of sketches before the actual design (jumping thru those school hoops),
but the final project turned out quite nice...
Concept model...Totally makes sense when Sonny explains. :)

Proud Papa.
Proud in laws.

Sonny's Architecture BFF (school wife) John.
So glad these two had each other to stay sane.

So proud of this man!!

And I have to say, I definitely thought his work was the best.
Though, I am a little partial. :)

Easter Eggs

Happiest Easter!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We love us some UPS!

Last week we got an exciting package in the mail from the beloved Grammy.
Lulu was bursting with anticipation ripping it open.
She had asked/begged her grammy to sew her a night gown that "twirled!"
Grammy, of course, got to work on the special order right away and sent it UPS asap.
Lulu and the Rockstar just love getting anything in the mail and this package did not disappoint!

checking the "twirl factor"

I think it passed. :)
And even the little Kitty got a little somethin-somethin.
(she also got some jammies, but the fruit snacks were all she was into)

Such a special day.
Thank you Grammy!!

And by the way Sonny did superb on his final. We knew he would.
sigh. Enjoyin the good life!

Monday, April 18, 2011

And A Good Luck to you!

In about 45 minutes, this graduate of mine will be giving the presentation of his life (up to this point at least).
Today is his final review of his final project in his Architecture Masters program.
He found out last week that he would be going first out of his entire class.
Made him very nervous.
He has to present in front of a jury of hoity toity architects flown in from all over the nation.
They kind of like to rip students apart as a hobby.
Sonny has been having some bad dreams and is as nervous as can be with worry.
What if I forget everything? What if they hate the concept? What if I run out of the room crying?
(haha. loved that one. he was joking. i think)
I, on the other hand, have not been worried one bit.
Truth is, the kid is sooo talented.
I know I'm his significant other and everything, but it is the truth, and I've had about 100 people tell that very thing to me over the years.
It's kind of funny, because when I first met Sonny about 8 1/2 years ago one of the first things out of his mouth was I'm not very smart. What!? Seriously, it was on our first date. Guess he wanted to lay it all out there. I'm pretty sure a girl is suppose to run when she hears those words come out of her date's mouth, but he was too darn cute, so I didn't.
Instead we dated. and dated. and dated for a year.
I learned almost everything about him...including that he barely graduated highschool, failed his first year of college, and was currently in an English class for Exchange students...literally learning the BASICS.
The more I got to know this boy though, the clearer it became that the last word I would ever use to describe him is unintelligent.
School just wasn't set up right for him. He hated tests from an early age. Hated English. Hated spelling.
And at the ripe ol age of 7, a teacher pretty much labeled him in front of his whole class which sort of carved out his schooling road from then on.
I was in Nursing school when I met Sonny, and I had a very different experience with school.
It was just easy for me. Study. take a test. Forget everything. A student.
We married, and Sonny started taking school a bit more serious. He found his passion with architecture and to this day, he still hates tests, but can work wonders with his ability to design and craftsmanship.
It has been a long 9+ years of schooling, but today he is done (pretty much) and in 3 weeks he will graduate with his masters. I am just so proud of him.
It has been such a sacrifice. I haven't written about everything on here much, but most days Sonny is gone by 4-5 am and he usually doesn't get home until long after the kiddos have gone to bed. He also runs a business, serves in the elders quorum, and keeps his very high maintenance wife (it's true. i can admit it.) as happy as can be. I am honestly in awe with how he has done it all. Really. I would have snapped a long time ago.
He truly is my hero.
I have never seen someone work so hard and be so dedicated.

So babe, you've heard it from me 1,000 times and you're going to hear it from me 1,000 more
You are so smart, so talented, and I am blessed to learn from you everyday.
I know you will do great presenting today, and I can't wait for your truck to pull in this evening, see that big ol smile I fell for 8 years ago plastered across your face, and to hear all about your last big day in school.
You did it.
We made it.
Let the celebrating begin!

Oh and please graduate...or this post could be a little embarrassing. :)

Just read this, and realizing that I should probably enroll myself back in school. Pretty sure there are a few run-ons and some incompletes in this post. Oh well, too tired to change anything. Besides, we can only have one smarty pants around here. :)

Daddy's school

Yesterday, the kiddos and I ditched a little church (i know. we're rebels) to tag along with Daddy to his real home...the Architecture dungeon. 
He has been spending all sorts of hours at this place for the past 3 years, and the supportive wife that I am...
I've been there once. Dangs. I'm awesome.
Yesterday, Daddy had to go into the school to pin up his final project (Woo-Hoo!!!) and we decided to go with him, so the kids could see where their daddy is ALWAYS gone to.
While he worked, the children and I snuck into some classrooms to pretend school.
They learned about frogs, water, trees, and butterflies. The rockstar corrected me that it is NOT a cocoon, but a chrysallis...wow. Guess he is learning something in preschool. Lil smarty pants.
 Sonny putting the final details on one of his models.
 We weren't bothering him at all. :)
 Finished pinning, we went out to enjoy some sunshine.
Sure proud of this man.

  We let the kiddos know that as of this week, they would be seeing a lot more of their daddy.
Not sure they could really grasp that idea, but they were definitely happy to hear it.

A little tag to celebrate.

 We hurried home and made it to the last part of Church as a family.
And no, in case you are wondering, the Rockstar is unable to ever be serious in a picture.
Hence the name, the Rockstar.

Thanks for the tour babe!
I know it was important for the little ones to be a part of all your hardwork.
You're the best.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A day at the park.

The week after conference my mom and I headed to sunny St. George for a little get away.
She wanted to look at property and the kids and I just wanted to get out of Daddy's way for final school projects. We were so excited to enjoy some good weather after this wretched winter (that's right Mr, I'm sooo over you.) Unfortunately, we only got one good day of sun and then the rest of the weekend was pretty darn cold.
I hear it warmed up the day we left too. Good Grief. Figures.
Well, can't complain too much, because that day we sure got our dose of vitamin D spending a few hours at our favorite park in the South.
Hidden Valley. It's the best.
The kiddos were in Heaven. They just loved meeting up with their cousin Ty and making a day of it. Obviously, I was a little excited to bust out my camera in some good sunlight and take a gazillion pics. Love all the moments of pure joy!
And my folks got some property. Suweetness!
We may just be neighbors in a few years. Free babysitting!? Oh yeah.