Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A New Calling...

Last Sunday I got called to be the second counselor in Young Womens.
The bishopric knocked on our door at 8:15 am. (so glad I was dressed for the day!)
They extended the calling to me and I clapped (literally) for joy!
I still often think back on some of the leaders I had at that pivotal time of my life and how much so many of them influenced me to make better decisions in my life
(for the record, I was totally the girl in the back with the way too short skirt and purple streaks in my hair)
I am sure that a lot of the time they thought I wasn't even listening to a word they were saying
and actually I don't think I was,
but nonetheless I knew the ones who genuinely loved me
I knew that I was in some of their prayers every single night
and it meant something
and still does.
I am so excited to be on the other side now and be able to maybe (just maybe) be that leader who
inspires one of them.
I know for sure that I will learn so much from them and I am so excited!
Just got to learn that new motto now...
the new words are just throwing me off every time :) 


Tricia Lovato said...

You will be amazing! I know you have truly inspired me from Day 1 so I can only imagine what you will be able to accomplish for these girls that need someone to look up to. You will be that person for sure. I was so happy when I heard your name on Sunday....I think it is a perfect calling for you. You will bless their lives as you bless mine and many others every day just for being you.

For the record, I can't even imagine you being the one in the back in the short skirt and purple please ;) he he he

Love you bunches! Seriously, Girls Night Out soon...please!

Jenny Axford Cook said...

Oh my gosh! You are going to be so good with that calling! You are such a wonderful example and so easy to talk to. The girls are going to love you and you will make an amazing YW leader. So excited for you!!!

carrie said...

This is the PERFECT calling for you. The girls will LOVE you without a doubt Kristin!